Tuesday 24 June 2008

Love Song For Nutella (or Sorry About The Marmalade)

Oh Nutella, how I have missed thee
You're back and I wish you would never leave again
I'm sorry about the Marmalade
She was just a hussy
That I picked up at Wirksworth Fayre
Now she's gone and she won't be back
(Until next year)
Oh Nutella, you never knew
How I saved the butter knife just for you
Oh Nutella, I love you the most
Man singing Jaques Brel at dry toast

I bought some Sunblest bread and it was less than a pound and that made me think of Dispatches and I walked out of the shop and there was a police helicopter overhead and the words "Wheat Crime" and "Grow Bag" flashed up in my head and I thought "Sunblest is only really any good for toast, I wonder what percentage of reconstituted cardboard there is in the average Sunblest loaf" so I went home and ate some toast and wrote a poem and now I'm going to read Joseph Heller to make myself feel better about ALL THE INSANITY IN THE WORLD TODAY.

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