Friday 29 February 2008

Knight Rider In Derby On A Leap Year Friday

This week I passed my driving test. I continue to be very happy about it, even now, five days hence.

Today it is raining, and it is cold. I need to go to the Post Office. Not the one five minutes walk away, but the one on the other side of town near the train station where all your parcels end up when they inevitably don't fit through your nostril of a letterbox and the postman still hasn't figured out that your front door bell doesn't work. That one. And it's raining. And it's really cold. Siberia cold.
Northern Norway (recently inaugurated) Seed Bank cold.
Ice sculpture of Jack Nicholson in the maze at the end of The Shining cold.

The car is parked about five minutes (walk) away in the opposite direction of the train station. It occurs to me now that Knight Rider really had no clear domestic application in Los Angeles (is that where it was set? Well, if not, this applies to anywhere where one could wear an open leather jacket with nothing underneath and not get a cough) beyond showing off, and the novelty of having a car with good old dry English charisma to keep you awake on long journeys, or break the tension when your adrenaline level and chance of dying is high.

Were one to have Kit (the name of the car in Knight Rider) in Derby, on a rainy Friday in February on a day that only exists once every four years, one could use the small 'fob' that comes with your keys to request Kit to come and pick you the hell up. Then you could vent spleen on how cold it is:

Me: "Blimey it's cold."
Kit the car from Knight Rider: "Good afternoon Biff. I can confirm that it is indeed 'cold'."
Me: "It's flipping deep space cold."
Kit: "The current temperature in deep space is -500 degrees centigrade. The correct term for this level of cold would be 'sub-zero'. It would be incorrect to compare the outside temperature here with that of deep space."
Me: "Right."
Kit: "Where would you like to go today Biff?"
Me: "Post Office please."
Kit: "The Wardwick or Midland Road?"
Me: "Midland Road please, Kit."
Kit: "Has the postman still not figured out that the bell doesn't work?"
Me: "No, not yet."
Kit: "What an absolute tool."

1 comment:

Emma said...

I hate our nostril of a letterbox.

If you were in right now instead of driving around picking up parcels, then you would hear me laughing quite loudly at this.
